Monday, July 27, 2009

Google Analytics

I'm going to track the results of this blog on Google Analytics! Can't wait to see how many people are viewing my site :-) (Although it's probably less than I think)

Going to wait on P90X

So I made another impulse buy. I'm going to do Chalean Extreme first. It seems easier and I need to be successful with a fitness program. So I'll see you in 90 Days!!!

If you'd like to follow my ChaLEAN Extreme Blog visit:

Thursday, July 16, 2009

I'm going to try ChaLEAN first...

In yet another somewhat impulsive buy, I had read reviews of ChaLEAN's DVD's and have purchased them. The truth is, I'm not in very good shape and P90X might be a bit extreme to start with.

I read a few blogs from other women who started with ChaLEAN first and then did P90X. Basically I'm just adding a HALF A YEAR to my workout plan, but since I've got over a year until my wedding and want to look amazing, I've got plenty of time.

So, sorry about the change of plans. ChaLEAN is up first. Hopefully UPS will get it to me quickly :-)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I ordered P90X!

It's official. I got sucked into the P90X infomercial.

Things need to change and I am truly ready to embrace a new way of living.

What prompted me to order P90X?
They say that your 20's are your best years for health. Well, I'm 28, so I am ready to go into my 30's as fit and healthy as I've ever been. I got engaged 2 months ago and I'm looking forward to being absolutely fit and trim for my wedding next September.

Why P90X?
Well, that damn informercial is on ALL THE TIME and I usually watch it on the TV at the gym because it reminds me of how good I can look if I really started to work out. I've never been one to stick to a structured plan (diet or exercise) so I'm motivated to change that. I figure I can do anything for 90 days, right? Then once I've had this lifestyle adjustment I'll be motivated to stay that way for my wedding, future children, etc.

Why a blog?
My motivation to start a blog is two-fold: Accountability and Truth.
First of all, if I have to post how I'm doing for both friends and strangers to see, I'll need to really keep up with the workouts. Secondly, I have not seen many pictures/videos/stories of "real" woman who have had success with P90X. I am determined to be a REAL WOMAN that others can reference when they are deciding to start the program.

So for now I'm waiting eagerly for my DVD's to arrive. I'll see you again for Day 1!